is Online!

Kenny catching-fish at the San Juan River is online!

I’ve been threatening to kick up a website dedicated to one of my true passions in this life: fishing. Well, is now online. I just decided to suck it up and toss some stuff together to get things started. We’re gonna start off by keeping things really simple. Over the coming months, years, God willing, I’ll do my best to put some stories, some tutorials, and other content I deem useful to somebody besides me.

Content Focus

If you are a fisherman (gender neutral meaning) I like you already. If you’re a fly fisherman I like you even more.  😉 If there are any biases detected on this site it’s only because of my general areas of knowledge are slanted towards my own expertise and experiences. I do fish in both nearshore saltwater, bays, and backwaters, as well as freshwater lakes, streams, and rivers. I use different types of fishing tackle on foot, floating, kayaking, and powerboating as the situation calls for it. But, I always prefer Angling with a lure I made myself if I can.

Weak Areas

Offshore saltwater, tournament fishing, ice fishing, spearfishing, noodling, commercial fishing, and other stuff will tend to be the weakest content areas represented on this site unless a few trusted writers step forward and contribute their expertise. Also, illegal and unethical methods of catching fish will not find a warm welcome.

Kenny’s Journals and Tutorials

If there is a slant to this fishing oriented website, it’s helping young people and their parents learn to appreciate the skills and the beauty of catching fish. Another is sharing anecdotal information about various beautiful places we have available to us and, of course, the occasional trip report.

Please Do Ask, Do Tell

If there is anything you’d like to see on this website, please do drop me a note via the contact form and let me know. Your opinion matters to me so feel free to let me know what you think or if you find an error.

Thank you for stopping by!


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